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One might agree with this statement, but still, there are some tips on how to become a tax expert.
What is the difference between gross and net income, who is the resident and the meaning of the overpaid taxes - more about specific terms in this article. Simple answers to complicated questions.
Do you want to benefit from German tax advantages even though you are not a German resident? It is possible with the EU/EWR form!
Ireland provides a wide range of working places for employees from all over the world. However, citizens of non-EU countries are obliged to receive a working permit, all the workers are entitled to get a tax refund. You can find more information concerning the Irish tax system in the article.
This information will be useful for those Ukrainians, who received a special visa of temporary protection in Czech Republic.
You will need the S1 form if you are working in Austria but still have permanent residence in your home country. How to get it?
Did you do a work placement in Germany? What obligations do you have as a student?