European forms: The brief

4th Jun 2024

Working abroad? What forms are used in EU countries and what are they for?

European forms

Citizens are issued or endorsed with "Portable documents" and "European Forms or E-forms" in connection with work in an EU country.

Portable documents and E-forms are used for communication between the social security institutions of each EU country. The forms therefore guarantee you certain rights. (Portable Forms replace some of the former E-forms).

The portable forms and E-forms have a uniform format in all official languages, so there is no need to translate them. They are accepted in any language by the various institutions of the EU Member States.

Portable documents:


The PD A1, formerly the E 101 form, or 'Certificate concerning the Social security legislation applies to the holder', confirms entitlement to social security cover in the home country while working abroad. It is mainly used when an employee is posted abroad. The form is issued by the social security institution in the home country. You can download the form HERE.

PD U1 (E 301)

The PD U1 (formerly E 301 form), or 'Certificate of periods to be taken into account for unemployment benefits', is required when claiming unemployment benefits after returning from abroad to your home country. The form is issued by the foreign employment office after the end of the employment relationship and is submitted to the employment office in your home country or the country where you are claiming unemployment benefits. You can download the form HERE.

PD U2 (E 303)

The PD U2 (former E 303 form), or 'Certificate concerning the maintenance of entitlement to unemployment benefits', is used to transfer unemployment benefits to another EU country. It is issued by the social security institution in the country of last employment and submitted to the country in which you want to draw the transferred unemployment benefit. You can download the form HERE.


The U3, or 'Circumstances likely to affect the entitlement to unemployment benefits', is a notification of a change in your situation that may result in a reduction or suspension of your unemployment benefits. This applies to unemployment benefits that have been transferred to another EU country. The form is issued by the institution in the country where you receive unemployment benefit and informs the institution in the country that pays the unemployment benefit. You can download the form HERE.

S1 (E 106)

The S1 (formerly the E 106 form), or 'Registration for benefits in kind', entitles you to full health care in your home country while working in another EU country. It is issued by the health insurance institution in the country where you are socially insured and submitted to the health insurance institution in your home country. You can download the form HERE.

S2 (E 112)

The S2 (formerly E 112 form), or 'Entitlement to planned treatment', confirms entitlement to planned treatment in another EU country. It is issued by the health insurance authority in the country where you are socially insured and submitted to the health insurance authority in the country where you want to receive the planned treatment.


S3, or 'Medical treatment for former cross-border workers in the country of former employment', entitles former cross-border workers to medical treatment in their former country of employment. The form is submitted to the health insurance institution in the country where you worked.

DA1 (E 123)

The DA1 (formerly E 123 form), or 'Claim for benefits in kind under insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases', entitles you to medical treatment in another EU country for an accident at work or an occupational disease. The form is issued by the health insurance institution in the country where you are socially insured and is submitted to the health insurance institution in the country where you want to claim treatment for your work-related accident or occupational disease.

E-forms of the E 400 series are for family benefits. They are submitted to the competent foreign office in the country of insurance. These forms are as follows:

E 401

The E 401, or 'Certificate of family composition for the purpose of family benefits', is used to assess the persons who are eligible for family allowances. The form is no longer needed from 2023, the tax office will verify all information on its own.

E 402

The E 402, or 'Certificate of Continuing Education for Family Benefit', confirms eligibility for child benefit for children aged up to 25 years of age who are in education. Download the form HERE.

Read also:

Child benefit in Germany / Kindergeld

Are you working in Germany and have children? Then you can apply for German child benefits.

Child benefit in Germany / Kindergeld

E 403

The E 403, or 'Certificate of apprenticeship or vocational training for the purpose of family benefits', serves as proof of studies. You can download the form HERE.

E 404

The E 404, or 'Medical certificate for the purpose of family benefits', serves as recognition of entitlement to child benefits. Download the form HERE.

E 405

E 405, or 'Certificate of aggregation of periods of insurance, employment or self-employment or successive employment in several Member States between the dates on which payment is due under the legislation of those States', confirms periods of insurance completed in other Member States for the purposes of child benefit entitlement. Download the form HERE.

E 406

The E 406, or 'Certificate of post-natal medical examinations', is a certificate of the child's medical examinations for the award of child benefits in France. You can download the form HERE.

E 407

The E 407, or 'Medical certificate for the award of special family allowances or increased family allowances for disabled children', assesses eligibility for special benefits for disabled children. You can download the form HERE.

E 411

The E 411, or 'Request for information on entitlement to family benefits in the Member State of residence of family members', serves as verification that entitlement to child benefits has not also arisen in the child's country of residence. You can download the form HERE.

Don't have one of the forms available? We will provide you with one.

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