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Are you required to file tax return in Germany? What are the requirements for filing a tax return? Even if you are not obliged to file a tax return, you can file it voluntarily and claim a tax refund.
Are you looking into finding a side job in Germany? Were you thinking about minijob? We summarized everything you need to know in this article.
If you work in Germany and get sick, various complicated situations can arise. How to deal with them? We have prepared answers to the most common questions about working and incapacity for work in Germany.
Starting work in Germany is not without official and other formalities. Here's an overview of what you need to arrange and what you'll need to prepare.
Before you go to work in Germany, you will in certain circumstances have reporting/notification obligations to the authorities in your home country. We will look at these in more detail in the following article.
In 2024, the minimum wage in Germany is changing again. How will the wage increase be reflected in my payslip?
Are you working in Germany and don't know what benefits you are entitled to? In addition to an overview of the benefits, the following article will give you information on the conditions you need to meet to get them.
There is a close link between working in Germany and filing a tax return. But what if you don't file a tax return? How does this affect you?