Published: 5th Jan 2024

In 2023, I no longer qualify for the flat-rate tax scheme. Should I file a tax return or not?

If the freelancer is in a situation where he/she no longer meets the conditions of the flat-rate tax, the taxpayer is obligated to file a tax return. Which specific situations require filing a tax return? How to file a tax return?

Published: 18th Aug 2023

Flat-rate expenses

If you are self-employed, there are three ways to tax expenses on your tax return. The simplest is to use flat rate expenses. Who can use a flat rate and how much? Up to what limit?

Published: 17th May 2023

Pink paper (Růžový papír) and what is it?

Every employee or temporary worker has come across a pink form called a taxpayer's declaration. What is it for? How to fill it in?

Published: 7th Apr 2023

Tax return and tax discounts in the Czech Republic

The tax season is here again and we have prepared a brief overview of its most pleasant part - tax discounts.

Published: 10th Mar 2023

IČO and DIČ (VAT ID) number - practical application

How is the VAT number and tax identification number used in reality? Here is an overview of the registers in which VAT and VAT are most commonly found.

Published: 9th Feb 2023

Annual tax settlement vs. tax return

Find out the difference between the annual tax settlement and the tax return. The annual tax settlement (Roční zúčtování daně) is the equivalent of a tax return (daňové přiznání). It is completed and processed by the employer on behalf of the employee.

Published: 7th Feb 2023

Setting up a data box for a self-employed person

The long-discussed establishment of data boxes for all self-employed persons has already begun. The government has partially relaxed the original proposal for the establishment of data boxes, but self-employed persons have to get used to the new online tool for communication with the authorities.

Published: 4th Feb 2023

Self-employed in Czech Republic: manual for Ukrainians

Self-employed type of work contract is rather popular among both Czechs and Ukrainians. It is locally called OSVČ (osoba samostatně výdělečně činná). You can be self-employed as a main work activity (hlavní činnost) or as an additional activity (vedlejší činnost). You can also check our blog and find important information on this topic.