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Are you doing business in Germany and have you received a notice from the German tax authorities entitled "Erinnerung or Prüfung der Steuerpflicht"?
Do you want to benefit from German tax advantages even though you are not a German resident? It is possible with the EU/EWR form!
Did you do a work placement in Germany? What obligations do you have as a student?
Property ownership in Germany has undergone a major tax reform. What is its essence and what obligations does it entail?
It's time to check your tax classes in Germany: yes, you can change it and of course you can claim a refund.
Tax rates in Germany stay the same every year, the only thing that changes is the amount these tax rates apply to.
Learn about what different documents you may need to file your tax return.
There are many different kinds of taxes in Germany. In this article we explain the most important ones.