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Self-employed type of work contract is rather popular among both Czechs and Ukrainians. It is locally called OSVČ (osoba samostatně výdělečně činná). You can be self-employed as a main work activity (hlavní činnost) or as an additional activity (vedlejší činnost). You can also check our blog and find important information on this topic.
Lots of Ukrainians, who arrived in Poland after the 24th of February, stayed there for the whole year and found a job. When are they gonna become tax residents and how will they pay taxes - you will find answers in this article.
All Ukrainians who have obtained a Temporary protection visa have the right to find a job as a resident of Slovakia. We have prepared a short summary of useful tips for you.
Those who worked in the Republic of Latvia may be entitled to receive a tax refund after filing a tax declaration. We have prepared some basic, good-to-know facts which will help you navigate in Latvian tax system.
A state income tax in the USA is a tax on income earned in a given state. It is similar to a federal income tax, but state income tax generally funds state budgets rather than the federal government.
Have you found a job in Australia or are you just thinking about it? What should you know before travelling to Australia for work?
A lot of Ukrainians received different types of humanitarian aid in the Czech Republic and other countries. In this article, we will check if the income received as a financial aid is a matter of taxation in the Czech Republic.
Worked abroad in Estonia? You may be entitled to receive a tax refund. Find out more in our article below.