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If you send employees to Germany for construction work, you are obliged to register with the German vacation fund known Soka-Bau. How does this process work?
If you are working or worked in Austria and are filing a tax return you may also have to attach some additional documents. One of them is the form L1i – Erklärung zur ArbeitnehmerInnenveranlagung also known as an employee’s declaration of tax measurement.
You can check our previous article about partnership itself on our blog. In this article we try to describe what types of partnerships exist and reasons for choosing each of them.
A partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as business partners, agree to cooperate in order to advance their mutual interests.
The U.S. federal income tax is a tax levied by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on the annual earnings of individuals, corporations, trusts, and other legal entities.
If you are self-employed, there are three ways to tax expenses on your tax return. The simplest is to use flat rate expenses. Who can use a flat rate and how much? Up to what limit?
The J-1 visa, also known as the Exchange Visitor Visa or J student visa, is for anyone outside of the US who wishes to take part in study- and work-related exchange programs approved by the Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Typically, a J-1 student visa holder is sponsored by an educational or nonprofit institution.
Austrian child allowances are adjusted or increased once a year due to indexation and other legal changes. What is the current amount of the allowance and what changes have been made?