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The USA consists of 52 states and the tax return process varies from state to state. We have prepared four packages regarding the tax return services. The packages are divided by each US state.
Have you been posted abroad by your employer or are you a freelancer and have been contracted to work abroad?
Are you going to work in Belgium? What are the Belgian working conditions and what should you know before you go?
There is a close link between working in Germany and filing a tax return. But what if you don't file a tax return? How does this affect you?
Are you working in Germany and have children? Then you can apply for German child benefits.
Have you found a job in Germany or are you just thinking about it? What should you know before travelling to Germany for work?
If the freelancer is in a situation where he/she no longer meets the conditions of the flat-rate tax, the taxpayer is obligated to file a tax return. Which specific situations require filing a tax return? How to file a tax return?
The accuracy guarantee means that our company will take responsibility for the correctness of the calculations based on the data you enter when filling out the forms.