Published: 25th Feb 2023

How is rental income taxed in Germany?

Do you own property in Germany? What tax obligations do you have as a result of this ownership?

Published: 24th Feb 2023

European forms: The brief

Working abroad? What forms are used in EU countries and what are they for?

Published: 19th Feb 2023

Which documents is the employer obliged to issue when terminating employment abroad?

Have you terminated your employment abroad? What do you need to remember and what documents must your employer issue to you?

Published: 17th Feb 2023

Maternity benefit in Germany (Mutterschaftsgeld)

Who is entitled to maternity benefit in Germany? And what are the requirements to get it?

Published: 9th Feb 2023

Annual tax settlement vs. tax return

Find out the difference between the annual tax settlement and the tax return. The annual tax settlement (Roční zúčtování daně) is the equivalent of a tax return (daňové přiznání). It is completed and processed by the employer on behalf of the employee.

Published: 7th Feb 2023

Setting up a data box for a self-employed person

The long-discussed establishment of data boxes for all self-employed persons has already begun. The government has partially relaxed the original proposal for the establishment of data boxes, but self-employed persons have to get used to the new online tool for communication with the authorities.

Published: 4th Feb 2023

Self-employed in Czech Republic: manual for Ukrainians

Self-employed type of work contract is rather popular among both Czechs and Ukrainians. It is locally called OSVČ (osoba samostatně výdělečně činná). You can be self-employed as a main work activity (hlavní činnost) or as an additional activity (vedlejší činnost). You can also check our blog and find important information on this topic.

Published: 1st Feb 2023

Updates in a polish tax system for Ukrainians

Lots of Ukrainians, who arrived in Poland after the 24th of February, stayed there for the whole year and found a job. When are they gonna become tax residents and how will they pay taxes - you will find answers in this article.