Published: 25th Sep 2022

Invitation to file a tax return in Germany - Erinnerung / Prüfung der Steuerpflicht

Are you doing business in Germany and have you received a notice from the German tax authorities entitled "Erinnerung or Prüfung der Steuerpflicht"?

Published: 23rd Sep 2022

3 points you need to pay attention to, while filing a tax return in Lithuania

Lithuania work market offers a huge range of jobs, starting from van drivers to IT. All of the foreign employees have the right to file a tax return and receive their tax refund. So here is the list of points you need to know about before filing your tax return.

Published: 5th Sep 2022

Earning documents : what are the differences and similarities in documents from EU-countries

One might agree with this statement, but still, there are some tips on how to become a tax expert.

Published: 1st Sep 2022


  • C:
  • Certificat de salaire - confirmation of income
  • E:
  • E 400 forms
  • Elterngeld - parental allowence
  • EWR (Bescheinigung) form
  • Expat
  • F:
  • Familienbehilfe - child benefits
  • FamilienbonusPlus - family bonus
  • Familienkasse - the German family fund
  • Finanzamt - the Austrian tax office
  • Finanzonline - the Austrian...
Published: 11th Aug 2022

Czech Republic: Taxes - determining specific terms

What is the difference between gross and net income, who is the resident and the meaning of the overpaid taxes - more about specific terms in this article. Simple answers to complicated questions.

Published: 6th Aug 2022

Bescheinigung EU/EWR and German tax refunds

Do you want to benefit from German tax advantages even though you are not a German resident? It is possible with the EU/EWR form!

Published: 1st Aug 2022

Working in Ireland: all you need to know about tax return

Ireland provides a wide range of working places for employees from all over the world. However, citizens of non-EU countries are obliged to receive a working permit, all the workers are entitled to get a tax refund. You can find more information concerning the Irish tax system in the article.

Published: 21st Jul 2022

Important information about medical insurance in Czech Republic for Ukrainians

This information will be useful for those Ukrainians, who received a special visa of temporary protection in Czech Republic.