Tax allowances in Poland

25th Oct 2022

While filing a tax return you can also send a request to get a tax bonus. Who is entitled to it and what categories exist - find the answer in the article below.

The most common allowances which are usually mentioned in the tax declaration are:

  • Child bonus,
  • Church bonus,
  • Internet connection,
  • Blood donation.

Child bonus

If you have children under the age 18, you will also need to file a form PIT/O, where you need to enter personal information of the child and both parents. For the first and second child, you can receive 1112 PLN per year, for the third one it is 2000 PLN and for the fourth and others the amount grows to 2700 PLN.

Please remember to attach a birth certificate of each child to your tax declaration.

Church bonus

Each of you who donated money or helped in other ways (materially) for the Church in Poland can get this bonus. You can apply for an amount that is in total no more than 6% from your income.

You will need to attach a confirmation of donation. If you transferred money, attach a bank statement or confirmation of payment, where your information and the information of the receiver is written.

If you donated something else (for example furniture, electronics, liturgical items etc.) you will need to attach a confirmation of purchase or the document, where the value of that item is written, and a confirmation that the Church received your gift.

Internet connection

You can receive 760 PLN per year together with your tax refund, if you apply for an internet bonus. Usually, you have one package for several services - internet, mobile phone, TV etc. You can additionally receive this bonus, but you need to upload a confirmation that part of that amount was paid directly to internet service. Either way, your paid invoices are necessary.

If you paid more than 760 PLN per year, you will still receive only 760 PLN, if you paid less you need to enter the correct amount. Please know that an installation of the internet, updating or repairing the connection are not included in this limit!

Blood donation

A special kind of bonus, called ulga krwiodawco a osocze, can be received by those who donated blood or plasma. If you have donated blood, you can receive a maximum amount of 6% of your income. If you donate plasma, you will receive 350 PLN per liter, the maximum amount is 8750 PLN per year.

Attach a confirmation from the blood transfusion department in both situations to your tax return.

In Poland there are other bonuses each individual can apply for. They are less common and in order to receive them, you need to meet specific rules and limits.

For more information you can contact our tax advisor and we will try to help you with any issue!

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