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How does the Australian tax system work and who is required to file a tax return in Australia?
Property ownership in Germany has undergone a major tax reform. What is its essence and what obligations does it entail?
Filing a tax return in Poland isn’t so complicated, but there are a couple of points that can ease the whole process for you.
Approaching the end of April, one of the more difficult periods of the tax year is nearly over, but the are still important deadlines for you to keep in mind. In this article, we'll go over the ways to file a tax return in the Czech Republic.
Conditions for tax return in Slovakia are rather easy. Moreover, you can apply for a tax return if you worked here for any time period during the past 5 years. Let’s answer some basic questions.
If you are a foreigner and you need an explanation about the difference between working agreements in the Czech Republic, this article will be useful for you.
Every Ukrainian refugee who arrives to the Czech Republic should apply for registration or a refugee visa in a foreign police department. These are two different types of staying here and you can learn more about them below.
In this frustrating situation many of us have different complications, especially financial. So, if you worked abroad in the previous 5 years, you will be interested in our offer. NeoTax will help you get a refund from EU countries.