Published: 14th May 2021

I worked in Germany. Am I obligated to file a tax return?

Not all taxpayers in Germany are obligated to file a tax return, though all of them have the right to do so. You can apply to get your taxes refunded four years back. The tax office doesn't inform you about your obligation.

Published: 26th Apr 2021

Canadian income taxes: everything you need to know about them

Are you moving to Canada? In this article, we summarized and simplified Canadian income taxes.

Ukrainians working in Slovakia can get back some of their taxes using the child bonus. How can you do it?

If you are Ukrainian (or a person from another non-EU country) working in Slovakia, and have children, you can ask the tax office to return part of your income tax back, including the child bonus. This is a legal procedure and all you need to do is to file your tax return.

Published: 13th Apr 2021

How to confirm your local income in Ukraine?

If you worked abroad and want to refund your income tax from a foreign country, you will have to prove your income in Ukraine.

Ukrainians working in Lithuania can legally refund part of their income tax which they paid, on average 715 Eur. Check it out.

Did you know you can receive a part of the taxes you paid in Lithuania? What is the magic behind this?

Published: 7th Apr 2021

Foreigners working in Lithuania can legally refund part of their income tax which they paid, on average 715 Eur. Check it out.

You maybe heard that you can receive part of your taxes that you have paid while working in Lithuania. What is the magic behind this?

Published: 6th Apr 2021

Tax return in Germany for 2020 - Kurzarbeitergeld and other benefits

Did you work in Germany last year and receive a Kurzarbeitergeld or other benefits? Don't forget to file a tax return.

Published: 5th Apr 2021

What is an “income tax refund”?

Ever heard of it? No? Check out, what it is and how you can apply for it.