Published: 24th Jul 2020

How is the tax during tax year in the United Kingdom calculated?

When does the British tax year start? When does it end?

Published: 20th Jul 2020

Why do I get less on the tax refund than my colleague?

This is one of the most frequent questions our clients ask. The reason is that it always seems unfair when a colleague gets back more tax with the same or similar salary as you. However, there are many reasons why this happens.

Published: 12th Jul 2020

How does worldwide income affect my tax refund?

Have you worked in more than one country in one year?

Published: 9th Jul 2020

My employer did not send me my yearly earning summary. What do I do?

Do you need to get your earning document from your employer who isn't willing to give it to you?

Published: 2nd Jul 2020

How much you get back as tax refund from the Czech Republic?

Have you worked and paid taxes in the Czech Republic? How much money can you get back?

Published: 2nd Jul 2020

Au Pair in America - Taxes Explained

Au Pair in the United States of America is a meaningful way to care for children and share educational and cultural experiences, bringing together so many opportunities into one incredible experience.

German child benefit for non-EU resident children

If you have a child living outside of the EU, you can still be entitled to German child benefit. To do this, you must meet one of the following requirements:

Published: 1st Jun 2020

“Austria violated the EU rules of child benefits and allowances,” says the EU Commission

On 1 January 2019, Austria reduced the amount of child allowances for EU nationals who work in Austria and have children living abroad. It means that some mobile EU workers who fully contribute to the Austrian social security system receive lower benefits compared to those workers whose children...