How much child benefit can you get in Germany?

Child benefit is an important source of money for a lot of parents. As a parent you are entitled to recieve your child benefit every month regardless of your income.

How much child benefit can you get in Austria?

Child benefit is an important source of money for most parents which is paid every month on the 6th regardless of the income in Austria.

Published: 18th Nov 2020

The Implications of the 2020 U.S. Elections on Expat Taxes

After a drawn-out week of counting ballots, the United States elections have finally concluded. Former Vice President Joe Biden will become the next President of the United States, following what wound up being a relatively decisive victory.

Published: 18th Sep 2020

Work-related allowances in German taxation

Foreigners can deduct some work-related expenses from their taxes. Does this apply to you?

Published: 24th Jul 2020

How is the tax during tax year in the United Kingdom calculated?

When does the British tax year start? When does it end?

Published: 20th Jul 2020

Why do I get less on the tax refund than my colleague?

This is one of the most frequent questions our clients ask. The reason is that it always seems unfair when a colleague gets back more tax with the same or similar salary as you. However, there are many reasons why this happens.

Published: 12th Jul 2020

How does worldwide income affect my tax refund?

Have you worked in more than one country in one year?