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Do I have to file a tax return if I worked in Luxembourg?
Under certain conditions non-residents can be treated as subject to unlimited income tax in foreign countries.
Are you a non-resident working in Slovakia? Did you find out you own money on tax through filing a tax return? To which bank account should you send the money to?
To get your tax refund you will need to attach your Personal income statement. You can download the form off of our website:
If you have worked in Italy and need now to submit your tax return, be advised that there are some changes regarding the fiscal obligations as well: in other words, it means that the deadline to submit tax returns is postponed.
Are you working abroad? Are you not sure whether or not you are considered a tax resident?
Does the Italian tax system seem confusing to you? In this article, we summarize everything you need to know.
While it's true that you might be eligible for some tax overpayment in Italy, it's not as easy as it might sound. There are several key factors that affect the outcome of your tax retur...