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A 50% tax relief, so-called “Lavoratori impatriati” was introduced for individuals a few years ago, performing their working activity with a permanent residency in Italy. Thanks to this tax allowance, taxpayers were able to pay a progressive income tax on only 50% of their income.
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Do you work in Germany and are not sure if you are a German tax resident?
Are you a resident of a foreign country? Are you not sure?
If you receive a note from Dendax, that your money is waiting for you, you can withdraw them in few steps. “To withdraw” means, that you will ask Dendax to transfer the money to your bank account, all in your personal profile.
EEA is a document, that the Dutch tax office requests to declare your income which is not taxed in the Netherlands. This means, that you have to confirm if you did or did not have income in any other countries (such as in your home country).
You can file a tax return in 3 easy steps online and from the comfort of your home.
Do you want to get your money back through a tax refund using our app?