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What benefits are you entitled to while working in Austria and what conditions do you have to meet to get them?
The tax season is here again and we have prepared a brief overview of its most pleasant part - tax discounts.
How is the VAT number and tax identification number used in reality? Here is an overview of the registers in which VAT and VAT are most commonly found.
Who is entitled to parental allowance from Germany and what is needed to get it?
Do you own property in Germany? What tax obligations do you have as a result of this ownership?
Who is entitled to maternity benefit in Germany? And what are the requirements to get it?
Find out the difference between the annual tax settlement and the tax return. The annual tax settlement (Roční zúčtování daně) is the equivalent of a tax return (daňové přiznání). It is completed and processed by the employer on behalf of the employee.
The long-discussed establishment of data boxes for all self-employed persons has already begun. The government has partially relaxed the original proposal for the establishment of data boxes, but self-employed persons have to get used to the new online tool for communication with the authorities.