Published: 16th Sep 2024

Incapacity for work in Austria - top 10 questions

In this article, we have processed answers to the most common questions about incapacity for work in Austria and the situations that can arise during this period. We answered questions about employees' rights, who is protected from termination of employment, and what procedures you should follow if you are terminated from employment. What should you do if your employer has fired you by phone? When does your termination period start? And what is the right way to respond if you disagree with the termination? This article will give you a clear overview of your options and rights in the event of incapacity for work in Austria.

Published: 11th Sep 2024

Reimbursement of compensation for untaken vacation from the Austrian vacation BUAK fund

Employees working in Austria in the construction sector are entitled to reimbursement of untaken vacation under certain conditions. How does the Austrian BUAK fund work?

Published: 19th Aug 2024

Tax returns and refunds from the Netherlands

Have you worked in the Netherlands? Apply for a tax refund. Here you will find an overview of deadlines, documents and other information needed to file a tax return in the Netherlands.

Published: 25th Jul 2024

EU Form E 104

Have you worked, or are you still working, in an EU country but plan to return to your home country? You will need an E 104 form when you return from abroad.

Published: 15th Jul 2024
Published: 21st Jun 2024

Withholding tax form / Fiche de Retenue d'Impôt

If you work in Luxembourg and your employer or pension fund pays withholding tax on your behalf, you can apply for various deductions in your tax return. How to do this?

Published: 4th Jun 2024

European forms: The brief

Working abroad? What forms are used in EU countries and what are they for?

Published: 14th May 2024

Working in the Netherlands: Work conditions

The Netherlands - it is not only tulips and windmills, it's also one of the countries with the highest minimum wage in the world. In this article, you will find information about work contracts, social security, health insurance, and taxes.