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What is the PD U1 (E 301) form, what is it for and how to get it?
The PD U1 form (formerly E 301 form), or "Certificate of periods to be taken into account for unemployment benefits", is a confirmation of your work abroad during which your employer paid unemployment insurance contributions on your behalf. In other words, it is the document you need to claim unemployment benefits when you return from abroad. It is also a portable form.
The term 'portable form' means that when you return from abroad you will not lose your periods of insurance acquired abroad and the resulting entitlement to social benefits, in this case unemployment benefit. It is a mutual communication between social security institutions. The portable form therefore guarantees you certain rights.
The portable form has an EU flag in the top left corner. In the top right-hand corner it is marked with a reference to social security coordination and at the bottom you will find the name of the authority that issued it.
When you return from abroad, you can claim unemployment benefits in your home country. You can claim unemployment benefits at the relevant branch of the Social Insurance Institution using the form "Application for unemployment benefits". The social insurance office may also take into account periods of insurance acquired abroad when assessing your entitlement to the benefit (whether your periods of insurance from abroad are taken into account is also determined by whether you have maintained your residence, family ties and interests in your home country while abroad). To prove the insurance acquired abroad, you need to submit a PD U1 form (E 301) to the social security office. This form is the basis for determining the amount of unemployment benefit.
Before returning to your home country or after your employment has ended, you must apply for a PD U1 (E 301) form from the relevant branch of the foreign employment office. The application must be accompanied by copies of documents (which may vary from one EU country to another). However, as a rule:
The application can be sent by email or by post. If you have not applied for a form while you are still abroad, you can do so when you arrive in your home country. The form will be delivered to your home within 6-8 weeks.
You do not have a PD U1 form (E 301)? We will provide you with one. Just fill in the form.
If you lose your form, you must inform the social security office that issued it and follow its instructions. Instructions may vary from one EU country to another. But don't worry, losing the document does not mean you lose your rights.
Do you need help getting your documents, getting unemployment benefits or getting your tax refund from abroad?