Ukrainians working in Lithuania can legally refund part of their income tax which they paid, on average 715 Eur. Check it out.

12th Apr 2021

Did you know you can receive a part of the taxes you paid in Lithuania? What is the magic behind this?

Simply said, every employee, who works legally on contract, pays income tax. Even you, while you worked in Lithuania, have some part of your income paid to the Lithuanian Tax Office by your employer.

What is a tax refund?

Your employer deducted some money from your income every month - we call it a tax “advance”. Talking about “advance” means, that it is an estimate, which is finally & precisely calculated at the end of the year. If your total tax payment is higher than the actual tax level, you will receive back the overpayment. It is very likely, that as a foreigner working abroad for a part of the year, you will be able to receive part (and sometimes the entire amount) of your tax back. By filing your tax return, you are actually asking the tax office to pay this money back to you.

What do you need to do to get your money back?

Firstly, you should have your earning document (Pažyma) from your employer. If you cannot find it, our tax department will help you to obtain a copy of it and then calculate your tax. It is a legal procedure and it does not affect your future pension at all, as you might have heard.

How much can you get back?

Our clients who typically worked in Lithuania for a few months, get on average 715 Eur. This, of course, depends on your monthly income and the number of months you have worked in the country. It is possible to pre-calculate your taxes before you file your tax return.

What is the process like?

It's easier than you think:

  • You will send us your earning document and confirmation of your income in Ukraine.
  • Based on these documents, our tax department will prepare your tax return in Lithuania.
  • The tax office has 30 days to check the document - if the tax officer will have any claims or questions, this is when we hear back from them and will need to fix it. Then other 30 days are needed to actually process your tax return and send back the tax refund

What should you do to get your tax back as soon as possible?

Simply register in our online form get a FREE precalculation. We will precalculate your tax refund based on your earning document “Pažyma” and then it is just a step away to receive your refund.

Get in contact with our Ukranian tax advisor.

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