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Austrian child allowances are adjusted or increased once a year due to indexation and other legal changes. What is the current amount of the allowance and what changes have been made?
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Child allowances - Familienbeihilfe
in 2024
Age | Amount of allowance |
0-2 years | €132,30 |
3-9 years | €141,50 |
10-18 years | €164,20 |
from 19 years | €191,60 |
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Child allowances - Familienbeihilfe
in 2023
In connection with the abolition of indexation of child benefits and the European Court of Justice decision of 16 June 2022, the amount of child benefits has been adjusted. From that date, the amount is the same for children resident in Austria as for children resident in EU/EEA countries and Switzerland:
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Child allowances - Familienbeihilfe
in 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019
In 2019-2022, the amount of the allowances was determined depending on the age and the child's permanent residence. This means that if your child lived in an EU country other than Austria, you received a reduced amount of child benefit according to that country. Information on the amount of benefits for each country is available on the official website.
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Are you working in Austria and have children? Apply for Austrian child benefits.
We will be happy to help you with obtaining child benefits, processing your tax return or obtaining missing documents.