The Netherlands - Child benefits

27th Apr 2018

Our clients can also apply with us for child benefits from the Netherlands. In case that clients have applied on their own we can provide them consultation.

The Netherlands has three types of child benefits:

  • The Kinderbijslag depends only on the number of your children and their age
  • The Kindgebonden Budget depends on the annual income
  • The Kinderopvangtoeslag is a refund for your extra expenditures like childcare centre (kindercentrum) or babysitters (gastouder)

Who can get Kinderbijslag?

Citizens of the European Union, citizens of countries from European Economic Area (EEA) and from Switzerland that pay Dutch social insurance (AKW) and have a child (or children) younger than 18. Also in case that a person received child benefit in their home country and the Dutch benefits would be higher, it is possible to get the difference paid from the Netherlands. To apply you need to have Burgerservicenummer of the child. If you do not have it, you can get it additionally. Kinderbijlag is paid off quarterly.

Who can get Kindgebonden Budget?

Only people entitled to Kinderbijslag can receive Kindgebonden Budget and the amount depends on the total annual income of parents. They cannot earn more than € 145.136 a year (in 2019) in order to be entitled. Kindgebonden Budget is paid monthly.

Who can get Kinderopvangtoeslag?

If you are paying for a childcare service or a babysitter, the government provides you a refund for these costs up to 7.5 euros per hour, with a ceiling of 230 euro per month per child.

How long does it take to get child benefits?

It takes from six to nine months on average.

What documents do I need?

For applying for Kinderbijslag:

  • Copy of birth certificate of all children younger than 18
  • Copy of marriage certificate
  • Copy of the Jaaropgaaf/Jaaropgave form

For applying for Kindgebonden Budget:

  • Decision from SVB that you are entitled to Kinderbijslag

For applying for Kinderopvangtoeslag:

  • Invoice and contract of your childcare expenditures

How much money can I get?

Kinderbijslag in 2019 (quarterly):

The age of the child0-5 years6-11 years12-17 years
Maximal amount for one child219,97 €267,10 €314,24 €

Kindgebonden Budget in 2019 (per year):

If you get child benefit, you may also qualify for a child budget from the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst). The child budget is an extra monthly contribution from the government for low-income families. Whether you get a child budget or not depends on your family income and your assets. The amount can be between 1166 Euro and 3139 Euro a year

What is the maximum age of child?

Children under 18 years old.

How many years back can I apply for child benefits?

You can apply only 1 year back and until 15th September.

Find out more information about taxes in Netherlands here!

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