Czech Republic

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Yes, just select the countries, from which the dividend will be paid to you, on the application form. You can also upload a statement and we will verify your entitlement to tax refund from dividends.
Yes, upload your broker's statement and we will recalculate the amount and let you know.
The entitlement to a tax refund from dividens depends on the withholding tax paid abroad and the terms of the double taxation treaty between the Czech Republic and the given country. Simply fill out our application form with basic information about the dividend and upload your broker's statement. We will verify your request and let you know if you are entitled for a refund.
The refund process depends on the speed of response from foreign authorities and other institutions. It usually takes several months for the request to be processed and the amount to be credited to your account. We will keep you informed of the progress.
The price of the service depends on the number of dividends and the complexity of the processing. Once we have verified your request, we will contact you with a specific price offer.