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You can file a tax return in 3 easy steps online and from the comfort of your home.
To file you will need a confirmation of income from your employer – the so called E16 form or also Lohnzettel.
Simply copy over the numbers from your Lohnzettel. If you are not quite sure where to find the line you can click on the question mark on the right to open additional help.
If you want to apply for child benefits you need to select “Yes” in the second page. If you do not have kids you can skip this part by selecting “No”.
Fill in your personal details and the number of your tax office in Austria. If you are not sure what that number is we have a short article on how to find out here.
After payment you will receive an email. We will also send you an L1i form upon request if you have worked less than 6 months in Austria. Information on how to proceed can be found in the tax return.
Does this concern you? Use the benefits of the austrian tax system. With the help of our app you will file a tax return in no time, no troubling paperwork required. After payment you will receive an L1i form as well.